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What to pack for a road trip part 2

Here is the continued, what to pack for a road trip...

8. Sunnies


Sunglasses! Whether it's actually sunny or not, there's always glare and therefore sunglasses are always necessary. Sun's up, sunglasses on. Also hay fever sufferers, they will help keep pollen out of your eyes as well as upping your mysterious cool person factor.

9. Coppers


If you're going to hit the arcades, remember your penny jar! Plus, it's always a good feeling to toss a few coppers in a charity pot. See how many different charities you can donate to in one day.

10. Glossies


A fresh Vogue is always desirable for down time when road tripping. Take some glossies along with you for those relaxing moments on the beach or if you're lucky enough not to be travel sick, to bite the boredom on the road.

11. Face spray


Okay, this is mostly a cheeky plug for the Lush facial toner. It's super refreshing and on a hot day you can just spritz it on your face to cool you down while perking your skin up. Buy it here.

12. Lip balm

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Your lips need sun protection too. Get a lip balm with a decent SPF and enjoy soft lips that are protected from the harsh sun glare. I like the Maybelline Baby lips. They come in loads of fun shades.

13. Cheer bow

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This is massively unessential, particularly for non-cheerleaders. However I am a cheerleader and sometimes you just need to bring a bow with you. Don't ask why. You just do. Don't question the bow. The one in my picture is one of my favourites.

So there you have it Sassypanters! My road trip packing list for ultimate awesomeness. Of course, don't forget about snacks and tunes. There is ALWAYS a need for a sweet road trip playlist. Also underwear. You just never know.


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